Industrial Wastewater Treatment Systems

Hoffland Environmental, Inc. (HEI) is a manufacturer of custom engineered turnkey industrial wastewater treatment systems that are: designed, engineered, manufactured, installed, and commissioned.
HEI is a registered Texas Professional Engineering firm. Our headquarters are located in Conroe, TX.

HEI Engineered Turnkey Systems
HEI Manufactured Equipment
Inclined Plate Clarifiers
Two (each) 6000/55/MD Clarifiers
Total Flow Rate: 6000 GPM
Oil Water Separators
25/2500 GPM
Media (Sand) Filters
Gravity and Pressure Flow
4 Each HGSF/100 – Part # 100/2000 GPM
Hazardous Waste Sludge Dryers
4/60 CF Capacity – Model # BP/30/S
Sludge Thickeners
Part # ST 10/8000 8000 GPM
Questions? > Contact Us or call 936.856.4515